Ella’s Trek Total: Days 3-5

(This is where I start writing well, sorry!) Then, we started hiking on our way to Manang, a large village. We hiked for a while but the time went by very fast. However, early on we stopped at a tea house for a break after a steep climb and I saw a person taking a picture of a little BB-8 droid from Star Wars! This was very funny because I’d heard of traveling gnomes before, a gnome or other figure that you take with you and photograph on your travels, but I’d never imagined that I would see a Star Wars droid on a trek across the Annapurna Circuit!

Anyway, we kept hiking and snacked a little on the way until we arrived at a village very close to Manang. There, we saw a beautiful kitten with vibrant, grass-colored eyes. Then, a fluffy black dog came bounding in and Ganesh fed him a whole packet of butter biscuits! He was wagging his tail and barking and rolling around and then he devoured all of the food! We continued on to a monastery or Gupta. We were allowed to go inside and saw many colorful statutes and wooden prayer slabs and it was very nice.


Also, the incense smelled wonderful! We walked until Manang and got to the hotel. Ganesh and I briefly walked around the town and then we all took showers and did homework. I went to see a dog who was chained up and crying, but though I played with him for a couple of minutes, I had to leave him to come to dinner.

We played UNO and then went to bed. I didn’t sleep much that night, but the next morning Asher woke me up at nine am and we ate breakfast. After we got ready, we went on a very short hike to a stupa right outside of Manang. From there we walked the short distance to the next town, passing by a herd of goats, yaks, and cows, and saw a bit of the people’s daily lives. We met a group of small boys who were very eager too give us fist-bumps and say “boom!” They followed us to a group of women collecting peas and we got to eat some of the fresh greens. Then, we went to a bakery where everyone including the porters, ate sweets, but I wasn’t in the mood so I didn’t eat anything. The rest of the afternoon was mostly uneventful, with me only working on a craft and doing homework, but then we took showers and prepared to go to a movie screening. However, the electricity went out so we stayed at the camp and played UNO. We played with the dog again and ate dinner, but then we went to sleep. The next morning I started to get ready and then ate breakfast. While we were waiting for the food and the other people, Aba pointed out a guy who was wearing this weird hat that looked like a pull-string bag. Two seconds after Aba told me that the man was French, he entered the room next to us and boomed, “Bonjour! I’m French!” As you may have guessed, Aba and I started cracking up! I mean, honestly, who says that?! We said goodbye to the dog and then hiked for six hours, but nothing exciting happened. However, when we got to Shri Karka we ate and took showers, really hot showers! It was amazing. Anyway, I did homework and had a conversation with an Iranian/Persian and an Australian about the world and the political situation in the United States (*cough* Trump *cough*). I finished my homework, and then we went to dinner. As we were eating, the Iranian guy came over to show us a picture of Troy ‘s doppelganger! Earlier in the day, he could’ve sworn that he’d met Troy before, but then he realized that he was thinking of Hooman Khalatbari, the Austrian-Iranian composer and pianist!


We played UNO, but before we went to sleep four Asian women entered the overcrowded restaurant, sat down at a giant table, and started eating their own food from plastic bags! After laughing at that, we went to sleep.

26-24-6  9-3-10 18-4-23  23-3 23-18-6-6-26  4-13-9 10-4-13-6-23-24  15-1-23-23-6-9 12-6


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