Ella’s Trek Total: 10-11

The next morning the porters decided to clean their sins by committing the water ritual support early in the morning. Very smart. Then, we woke up and left the village in a jeep. We commenced on what we thought would be a six-hour ride with enough stops to add up to nine hours total on the way to Pokhara, a very large village not unlike Kathmandu. I sang karaoke with the porters, including “Baby baby baby oh, won’t you come with me tonight?” (I don’t think that’s actually the name of the song, but I couldn’t find it). We saw many things on our drive including baby lambs and goats, but we only stopped twice to eat. We got to Pokhara late. Instead of driving for nine hours with many stops we drove 12.5 with only two. Even though we had been in a jeep all day, I was very tired so we ate dinner at a nice restaurant and went to sleep. However, before we got into bed Asher, Aba, Troy and I agreed that we would climb to the EVEREST Base Camp the very next week…! The next day we walked around Pokhara, but nothing out of the ordinary happened. We got some new flip flops and small trinkets and Ganesh and the porters went to Kathmandu in order to get ready for Everest. When we stopped at stores, Asher and I couldn’t help noticing the abundance of FLAVORED condoms!? We also met the Iranian guy again! When the day was over, we had trouble going to sleep because some guy with a really horrible voice had a concert until 11 pm.

7-4-7-22  7-4-7-22 7-4-7-22  3-24!

Also, when I accidentally deleted my posts some occurrences got lost, so here are some pictures that I think are cool but don’t remember where to place, sorry!:



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