Everest TREK Day 4
Yo! What’s up everybody because today I’m back with another super duper awesome blog post for you today about our fourth day climbing to the Everest base camp! So anyways, unlike yesterday, today we actually hiked for four hours to reach our destination and we did not have another sweet rest dayðŸ˜. This fact lead to literally everything we did today including waking up at 7:00 am and quickly getting ready to leave for the hike. We ate a simple omelette for breakfast today(we eat omelets so much because they grant us protein) and soon afterward, we began one of the most tiring climbs of our entire trek up Everest. Just so you know, today’s hike would have been a whole lot easier if we did not have a rest day yesterday. It softened our muscles so going up today was really, really hard for us. The second reason today’s hike was hard was because 50% of it was a steep downhill and the other 50% of it was a steep uphill. There were literally no flat parts on today’s hike except for the very beginning. Even that was only like five minutes and then it was back to a steep downhill for a few hours. Anyways, our hike today began with my worst nightmare of climbing: Gigantic steep stairs. They require so much energy to climb and by the time I’m done, I’m out of breath and I need to stop for two minutes. The worst part though was that there were gigantic steep stairs for the first thirty minutes of the hike and I sincerely felt like I was going to pass out of exhaustion. Thankfully, it ended and we were approached with the only flat ground on this entire hike. It was actually a road built by a guy who wanted tips to support building the road. He was very sweet and has apparently been doing this for around 27 years! The road was nice, but then we got off and started to walk for the next few hours downhill. My knees where falling apart with every large step I took and dust kept collecting in my eyes from all the passing people and Yaks. The worst part though, was thinking about how I was going to climb this all up once we stopped at the Base camp. It was fun though nonetheless and the scenery was splendid. We crossed a bridge a little while after and started to hike uphill until reaching our stop for the day at a place called Tengboche. The place was very cool looking and after snacking on potatoes, we walked to a Buddhist temple nearby and saw many monks praying there. It was very interesting because they kept having instruments that they would play and they were reciting sacred rituals which were cool. Afterwards, we rested for a while and then played UNO, Connect 4, and chess downstairs which was very fun and I won most of the time. I had pizza for dinner and honestly this trip is awesome despite the annoying uphill and downhill we keep going through.
The monks in the monastery.
 The chess board we played on. Cool right!