Ella’s Dual HoliDays

Hello! After Paris, we flew back to Israel for some more holidays. The Tuesday after we got back was a holiday called Yom Kippur, or the last day to make amends. We met the family at my grandfather’s, Saba’s, grave.

Then, I drove to my uncle’s house and played with Chloe (the dog, in case you forgot) and then we went back to Savta’s house. We started fasting at 6:21 pm, with no food or water and no electricity, and played card games through the night while the rest of the family solved three puzzles. Before that, at around 10:00 pm, we walked the crowded streets filled with kids, pedestrians, and cyclists, all wearing white. Asher and I went to sleep at 1:00 am… and woke up at 3:00 pm… The rest of the day was uneventful, but when the fast broke at 7:19 pm, we feasted because we hadn’t had food or water for 25 hours. The first thing I ate was a vinegar pickle!

Two days later, we went to an escape room with two of our cousins and went to dinner with them and our uncle and aunt, all of which was really fun. For Sukkot, the next holiday, we went to my uncle’s house and played with Chloe, among other things. Earlier on, Chloe had peed on Troy (you know where!) and my cousins high-heels (yay!) (I love this dog!)! Everyone talked a lot and socialized, and I got to know two of my cousins’ girlfriends, Ria and Daar, better. I really like them (they help me torture their boyfriends!)! Quite a bit more happened after that, but I’ll save it for another post.



Does anyone know if it’s always possible to win at the card game Taki? It’s like UNO, and my cousin, Imri, always wins! HOW IS HE DOING IT??

26-6-14-14  12-6!

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