Quatrième Jour d’Ella à Paris

Bonsoir! We did a lot on Saturday. First, we took the metro to the Montmartre Church. It was very hilly, but we climbed the hill fueled on street crepes. The view from the church was wonderful, but the church itself was phenomenal. It was astoundingly beautiful.

We walked away from Montmartre and arrived at Amelie’s cafe from the movie Amelie! This is a really fun and quirky film about a girl whom “discreetly orchestrates the lives of the people around her”.

We then proceeded to the Moulin Rouge! This was AWESOME because Moulin Rouge is one of my favorite movies! Please comment if you love this movie as much as I do!

After that, we went home. Dad and I went out to get CHEESE! We ended up buying a really strong goat cheese and some cow cheese as well.

Yes, I’m holding cheese


22-21-12-12-12-12-12-22  5-24-6-6-23-6!!!!!!!!!!!!


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One Response to Quatrième Jour d’Ella à Paris

  1. Dad says:

    Praise Cheesus!

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